Automating Pest Control with Light

Healthier Plants with Less Chemicals

OUR Mission

Bring automation to the farm so we can grow healthier, more sustainable food for everyone

We believe automation is the key to unlocking greater efficiency on the farm, allowing farmers to do more with less, without damaging the planet. Our first solution brings ultraviolet light to the farm as a chemical-free pest control for strawberry farmers.

Chemical-free pest and
disease control using light

Our unique patent pending UV light technology 

delivers the most reliable, chemical-free

pest control for farmers

Automated Bug Vacuum

Six fully electric fans improve efficiency and guarantee the windspeeds needed to control pests

Data driven farm management

We see every plant twice a week, giving you unparalleled data on every plant in the field

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you